Source code for gravpy.interferometers

import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as c
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
import scipy.integrate as integrate
import numpy.linalg as la
import os

[docs]def rot_z(phi): return np.array([ [np.cos(phi), -np.sin(phi), 0], [np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi), 0], [0,0,1] ])
[docs]def rot_y(psi): return np.array([ [np.cos(phi), 0, -np.sin(phi)], [0, 1, 0], [np.sin(phi), 0, np.cos(phi)] ])
[docs]def rot_x(theta): return np.array([ [1, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [0, np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)] ])
[docs]class Detector(): """ This is the base class for all types of detectors, and contains the conversion methods between the various different ways of expressing the noise levels (sensitivity) of any detector. """
[docs] def noise_amplitude(self, frequencies=None): """ The noise amplitude for a detector is defined as $h^2_n(f) = f S_n(f)$ and is designed to incorporate the effect of integrating an inspiralling signal. Parameters ---------- frequencies : ndarray An array of frequencies, in units of Hz Returns ------- noise_amplitude : ndarray An array of the noise amplitudes correcsponding to the input frequency values """ if not frequencies: frequencies = self.frequencies return np.sqrt(self.frequencies*self.psd(frequencies))
[docs] def energy_density(self, frequencies=None): """ Produce the sensitivity curve of the detector in terms of the energy density. Parameters ---------- frequencies : ndarray An array of frequencies, in units of Hz Returns ------- energy_density : ndarray An array of the dimensionless energy density of the sensitivity of the detector. """ if not frequencies: frequencies = self.frequencies bigH = (2*np.pi**2)/3 * frequencies**3 * self.psd(frequencies) littleh = bigH / ((100*u.kilometer / u.second / u.megaparsec).to(u.hertz))**2 return littleh
[docs] def srpsd(self, frequencies=None): if not frequencies: frequencies = self.frequencies return np.sqrt(self.psd(frequencies))
[docs] def plot(self, axis=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the noise curve for this detector. """ if "lw" not in kwargs.keys(): lw=2 else: lw=kwargs.pop('lw') if axis: axis.loglog(self.frequencies, self.noise_amplitude(),, lw=lw, **kwargs) axis.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') axis.set_ylabel('Characteristic Strain')
[docs]class Interferometer(Detector): """ The base class to describe an interferometer. """ name = "Generic Interferometer" f0 = 150 * u.hertz fs = 40 * u.hertz S0 = 1e-46 / u.hertz frequencies = np.logspace(1, 5, 4000) * u.hertz xhat = np.array([1,0,0]) yhat = np.array([0,1,0]) zhat = np.array([0,0,1]) length = 4 * u.kilometer detector_tensor = length * (np.outer(xhat, xhat) - np.outer(yhat, yhat)) def __init__(self, frequencies=None, configuration=None, obs_time=None): if frequencies: self.frequencies = frequencies self.configuration = configuration self.obs_time = obs_time if configuration: = "{} [{}]".format(, configuration)
[docs] def noise_spectrum(self, x): """ Return the default noise spectrum for the interferometer. Parameters ---------- x : float The rescaled frequency at which the fit should be evaluated. Returns ------- float The sensitivity of the interferometer at the frequency provided. """ return (3.4*x)**(-30) + 34*x**(-1) + (20 * (1 - x**2 + 0.4*x**4))/(1 + 0.5*x**2)
[docs] def psd(self, frequencies=None): """ Calculate the one-sided power spectral desnity for a detector. If a particular configuration is specified then the results will be returned for a spline fit to that configuration's curve, if available. Parameters ---------- frequencies : ndarray An array of frequencies where the PSD should be evaluated. configuration : str The configuration of the detector for which the curve should be returned. """ if not frequencies: frequencies = self.frequencies if self.configuration: configuration = self.configuration d_frequencies, d_sensitivity = self.configurations[configuration] d_frequencies, d_sensitivity = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),d_frequencies)), np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),d_sensitivity)) tck = interpolate.splrep(d_frequencies, d_sensitivity, s=0) interp_sensitivity = interpolate.splev(frequencies, tck, der=0) interp_sensitivity[frequencies<self.fs]=np.nan return (interp_sensitivity)**2 * u.hertz**-1 x = frequencies / self.f0 xs = self.fs / self.f0 sh = self.noise_spectrum(x) if self.obs_time: sh /= ( sh[frequencies<self.fs]=np.nan return sh * self.S0
[docs] def antenna_pattern(self, theta, phi, psi): """ Produce the antenna pattern for a detector, given its detector tensor, and a set of angles. Parameters ---------- theta : float The altitude angle. phi : float The azimuthal angle. psi : float or list The polarisation angle. If psi is a list of two angles the returned antenna patterns will be the integrated response between those two polsarisation angles. Returns ------- F+ : float The antenna response to the '+' polarisation state. Fx : float The antenna response to the 'x' polsarisation state. |F| : float The combined antenna response (sqrt(F+^2 + Fx^2)). """ detector = self.detector_tensor / self.length # The unrotated basis of the gravitational wave e = np.array([ [1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1] ]) # Calculate the rotated basis # Rotate phi about z # Rotate theta about x # Rotate psi about z #rot_basis =,rot_x(theta)), rot_z(phi)), rot_z(psi)), e) rot_basis = rot_x(theta), rot_z(phi)), e) def plus_polarisation(psi, rot_basis): alpha, beta, _ = rot_basis rot_basis =, rot_z(psi)) return np.outer(alpha, alpha) - np.outer(beta, beta) def cross_polarisation(psi, rot_basis): alpha, beta, _ = rot_basis ot_basis =, rot_z(psi)) return np.outer(alpha, beta) + np.outer(beta, alpha) # Now the antenna pattern if isinstance(psi, list): fplus = integrate.quad(lambda psi: (detector*plus_polarisation(psi, rot_basis)).sum(), psi[0], psi[1])[0] fcross = integrate.quad(lambda psi:((detector* cross_polarisation(psi, rot_basis)).sum()), psi[0], psi[1])[0] else: fplus = (detector*plus_polarisation(psi, rot_basis)).sum() fcross = (detector* cross_polarisation(psi, rot_basis)).sum() return np.abs(fplus), np.abs(fcross), np.sqrt(fplus**2 + fcross**2)
[docs] def skymap(self, nx=200, ny=100, psi=[0, np.pi]): """ Produce a skymap of the antenna repsonse of the interferometer. Parameters ---------- nx : int The number of locations along the horizontal axis to produce the map at defaults to 200. ny : int The number of locations along the vertical axis to produce the map at defaults to 100 psi : float or list The polarisation angle to produce the map at. If a list is given then the integrated response is given between those angles. Returns ------- x : ndarray The x values for the map y: ndarray The y values for the map antennap : ndarray The values of the sensitivity in the + polarisation antennax : ndarray The values of the sensitivity in the x polarisation antennac : ndarray The values of the combined polarisation sensitivities """ # Note these are, confusingly, the wrong way # around, and I should fix them. x = np.linspace(0, np.pi, ny) y = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, nx) xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x,y) H = np.zeros((nx, ny)) A = np.zeros((nx, ny)) B = np.zeros((nx, ny)) for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): A[i,j], B[i,j], H[i,j] = self.antenna_pattern(xv[i,j], yv[i,j],psi) return x, y, A, B, H
[docs]class TimingArray(Detector): """ A class to represent a pulsar timing array. """ name = "Generic PTA" dt = 14* # the sampling interval T = 15*u.year # the observation time sigma = 100 * u.nanosecond # the timing uncertainty of each observation frequencies = np.logspace(-10, -6, 1000) * u.hertz n = 20 zeta_sum = 4.74
[docs] def Pn(self, frequencies): dt = sigma = return 2 * dt * sigma**2
[docs] def Sn(self, frequencies): return 12 * np.pi**2 * frequencies**2 * self.Pn(frequencies)
[docs] def noise_spectrum(self, frequencies): return self.Sn(frequencies)*self.zeta_sum**(-0.5)
[docs] def psd(self, frequencies): # We're currently over-estimating the sensitivity, # we can get around this using # lower = 1 / self.T upper = 1 / self.dt sh = self.noise_spectrum(frequencies) sh[frequencies<lower]=np.nan sh[frequencies>upper]=np.nan return sh
[docs]class BDecigo(Interferometer): # B-DECIGO noise curve in arxiv:1802.06977 S0 = 4.040e-46 * u.hertz**-1 frequency_range = [1e-2, 1e2] * u.hertz frequencies = np.logspace(-2, 2, 10000) * u.hertz
[docs] def psd(self, frequencies): return self.S0 * (1.0 + 1.584e-2 * frequencies.value**-4 + 1.584e-3 * frequencies.value**2)
[docs]class Decigo(Interferometer): """ The full, original Decigo noise curve, from arxiv:1101.3940. """ fp = 7.36 * u.hertz frequency_range = [1e-2, 1e2] * u.hertz frequencies = np.logspace(-2, 2, 10000) * u.hertz
[docs] def psd(self, frequencies): """ The power spectrum density of the detector, taken from equation 5 of arxiv:1101.3940. """ first_c = 7.05e-48 second_c = 4.8e-51 third_c = 5.33e-52 first = first_c * (1 + (frequencies / self.fp)**2) second = second_c * frequencies.value**-4 / (1+(frequencies/self.fp)**2) third = third_c * frequencies.value**-4 return (first + second + third) * u.hertz**-1
[docs]class BigBangObservatory(Interferometer): """ The Big Bang Observatory. """ frequency_range = [1e-3, 1e2] * u.hertz frequencies = np.logspace(-3, 2, 10000) * u.hertz
[docs] def psd(self, frequencies): """ The power spectrum density of the detector, taken from equation 6 of arxiv:1101.3940. """ first = 2.00e-49 * frequencies.value**2 second = 4.58e-49 third = 1.26e-51*frequencies.value**-4 return (first + second + third)*u.hertz**-1
[docs]class AdvancedLIGO(Interferometer): """ The aLIGO Interferometer """ name = "aLIGO" f0 = 215 * u.hertz fs = 20 * u.hertz S0 = 1.0e-49 / u.hertz frequency_range = [30, 4e3] * u.hertz xhat = np.array([1,0,0]) yhat = np.array([0,1,0]) zhat = np.array([0,0,1]) length = 4 * u.kilometer detector_tensor = length * (np.outer(xhat, xhat) - np.outer(yhat, yhat)) configurations = { 'O1': ['data/aligo_freqVector.txt', 'data/o1_data50Mpc_step1.txt'] }
[docs] def noise_spectrum(self, x): return (x)**(-4.14) -5*x**(-2) + ((111 * (1-x**2 +0.5*x**4))/(1+0.5*x**2))
[docs]class GEO(Interferometer): """ The GEO600 Interferometer """ name = "GEO600" f0 = 150 * u.hertz fs = 40 * u.hertz S0 = 1e-46 / u.hertz
[docs] def noise_spectrum(self, x): return (3.4*x)**(-30) + 34*x**(-1) + (20 * (1 - x**2 + 0.4*x**4))/(1 + 0.5*x**2)
[docs]class InitialLIGO(Interferometer): """ The iLIGO Interferometer """ name = "Initial LIGO" f0 = 150 * u.hertz fs = 40 * u.hertz S0 = 9e-46 / u.hertz
[docs] def noise_spectrum(self, x): return (4.49*x)**(-56) + 0.16*x**(-4.52) + 0.52 + 0.32*x**2
[docs]class TAMA(Interferometer): """ The TAMA Interferometer """ name = "TAMA" f0 = 400 * u.hertz fs = 75 * u.hertz S0 = 7.5e-46 / u.hertz
[docs] def noise_spectrum(self, x): return x**(-5) + 13*x**-1 + 9*(1+x**2)
[docs]class Virgo(Interferometer): """ The Virgo Interferometer """ name = "Virgo" f0 = 500 * u.hertz fs = 20 * u.hertz S0 = 3.2e-46 / u.hertz
[docs] def noise_spectrum(self, x): return (7.8*x)**(-5) + 2*x**(-1) + 0.63 + x**2
[docs]class EvolvedLISA(Interferometer): """ The eLISA Interferometer """ name = "eLISA" frequencies = np.logspace(-6, 0, 10000) * u.hertz L = 1e9*u.meter fs = 3e-5 * u.hertz
[docs] def psd(self, frequencies): #residual acceleration noise sacc = 9e-28 * (1*u.hertz)**4 * (2*np.pi*frequencies)**-4 * (1+(1e-4*u.hertz)/frequencies) * u.meter**2 * u.hertz**-1 # * u.second**-4 # shot noise ssn = 5.25e-23 * u.meter**2 / u.hertz # other measurement noise son = 6.28e-23 * u.meter**2 / u.hertz # s =(20./3) * (4*(sacc + ssn + son) / self.L**2) * ( 1+ (frequencies/(0.41 * (c.c/(2*self.L))))**2) s[frequencies<self.fs]=np.nan return s
[docs]class LISA(Interferometer): """ The LISA Interferometer in its mission-accepted state, as of 2018 """ name = "eLISA" frequencies = np.logspace(-5, 0, 10000) * u.hertz L = 2.5e9*u.meter fstar = 19.08*1e-3 * u.hertz fs = 3e-5 * u.hertz
[docs] def metrology_noise(self, frequencies): """ Calculate the noise due to the single-link optical metrology, from arxiv:1803.01944. """ first = (1.5e-11 * u.meter)**2 second = (1 * u.dimensionless_unscaled +(2e-3*u.hertz/frequencies)**4) * u.hertz**-1 return first*second
[docs] def single_mass_noise(self, frequencies): """ The acceleration noise for a single test mass. """ first = (3e-15 * u.meter * u.second**-2)**2 second = (1 * u.dimensionless_unscaled +(0.4e-3*u.hertz/frequencies)**2) third = (1 * u.dimensionless_unscaled+(frequencies/(8e-3*u.hertz))**4)*u.hertz**-1 return first*second*third
[docs] def confusion_noise(self, frequencies, observation_time=0.5): """ The noise created by unresolvable galactic binaries at low frequencies. """ amp = 9e-45 alpha = {0.5: 0.133, 1: 0.171, 2: 0.165, 4: 0.138} beta = {0.5: 243, 1: 292, 2: 299, 4: -221} kappa = {0.5: 482, 1: 1020, 2: 611, 4: 521} gamma = {0.5: 917, 1: 1680, 2: 1340, 4: 1680} fk = {0.5: 0.00258, 1: 0.00215, 2: 0.00173, 4: 0.00113} first = amp * frequencies**(-7./3.) * np.exp((- frequencies**alpha[observation_time]).value + (beta[observation_time] * frequencies * np.sin((kappa[observation_time] * frequencies).value)).value) second = (1+np.tanh((gamma[observation_time] * (fk[observation_time]*u.hertz - frequencies)).value)) return (first * second).value * (u.hertz**-1)
[docs] def psd(self, frequencies): # See for this first = (10 / 3 * self.L**-2) second = (self.metrology_noise(frequencies) + (4*self.single_mass_noise(frequencies)/(2*np.pi*frequencies)**4)) third = (1 * u.dimensionless_unscaled + (6./10)*(frequencies / self.fstar)**2) return (first*second*third) + self.confusion_noise(frequencies)